
works | wedding reportages

A great passion of mine are celebrations and wedding reportages. In recent years, I was part of some of the most beautiful days to be and the contacts adhere to today.

Here, I will accompany the couple from the get-ready, to couple and family portraits, to the (church) wedding // registry office and the reception of guests and also the celebration of your weeding until night.

So far, I was part of very different parties – over Lebanese weddings to celebrations in allotment gardens and „classical“ weddings. I am open minded to everything and I am glad if you contact me.


study excursion | Yogjakarta, Indonesia | autumn 2016


Check out my photo series from Yogja here.

business | product portraits TRVLshirt | summer 2016

 Two friends of mine started their own t-shirt campaign a couple of months ago and in order to present their TR(a)V(e)Lshirt collection to the public they were in need of some product and portrait captures. Therefore we spend two shooting day in the botanical garden of Goettingen with two lovely models and a couple of assistants. This is the result of the shoot and I’m looking forward to have some more of these product shoots in future.

Visit their website and shop at this link.


business | MKG | spring 2015

 For several days I have accompanied the staff of the clinic for oral and maxillofacial surgery at the medicine department of the University of Göttingen.

Shift start: 7:30. Until the early afternoon I have made staff portraits in bright hallways, observed the daily clinical practice on the station and visited students in the laboratory and even (of course expertly instructed and wrapped sterile in gree) could watch the docters team at a surgery. I have met a lot of new nice people and I’m looking forward to see my photographs on the Internet presence of the clinic.

exhibition | markets of night series | spring 2015 | Stade

After quite along time not showing my works to the public I got the chance from the bus transport company in my hometown to participate at the “art bus project” for young freelancer artists. Therefore I chose to exhibit my latest works on my “markets at night” series. I could present them to customers of the bus services in Stade for about two months. I got some nice recommendations and feedback after this and I am so happy and proud of the emotions I got back from the viewers of my pictures. Thanks a lot for that chance!


You can follow the full „markets a night“ series and some background information about my journey at this link.

business | band portrait Kyles Tolone | spring 2015 | Göttingen

I met the guys from Kyles Tolone some time ago and after a couple of days we started a lovely band portrait project together. At the first spot we were shooting was a night bar in the heart of Goettingen, were we made some experiments with light and shadow settings and different kinds of group photos. Afterwards, we mer again to shoot outside – namely on a roof to follow the sun rise and have a view over the city. The light was perfect – the view, was different as expected. Nonetheless we had a great early morning and some nice captures with warm sun light. I also accompanied the guys at a concert at a summer party and we had some awesome evenings together! :) I hope, we’ll have some more of these!


study abroad | Erasmus | autumn 2015 – spring 2016| Ghent, Belgium

However this is not really a part of my photography “career” path, it has been one of my most challenging and defining months in my study experiences and to consider what to do after my masters program. I will never reject what I’ve learned abroad and that inspiring people I met there – I never expected to have such an intense time in wonderful Ghent. Erasmus program for the most people sounds like “well ya, half a year of fun and then she’ll come back” but in my case, I really worked my a** off to impress myself and to experience what I can archive in another environment and also arguing not in my mother tongue. I made some trips around Brussels, hit off to France and Luxembourg and the memories are still viral. I kind of miss it.



It has been a very exiting year so far. I’ve finished my Bachelors degree in political science and Arabic Language & Islamic science this year. It’s the next step forward and I’m very excited what my master program will be about. I think the next year is about changes and reminding myself once again what and who I want to create and reinvent myself. Insofar I’ll stay in my study hometown Goettingen. There has been a lot of support from family, friends and new followers of my work. I’m always thankful for getting to know new people from different backgrounds and to caputure them with my lenses. What the next big thing will be I don’t know yet. May be I’ll focus on my studies first. But I’ll see the world nex years, I promise :)

journey | middle east excursion | spring 2014

One of my highlights this year – I participated at the Middle East Excursion in March 2014. We were a small group of students and discovered together the Kurdish regions in East Turkey and made a road trip through Iraqi Kurdistan to the Iranian border. I collected my impressions on my documentary blog and also made a „big“ collection on Google + . I could also enlarge my photo series from „markets at night“ – after the trips to Macedonia and Egypt Part III now from Iraqi-Kurdistan.


internship | Society for Threatened Peoples International | spring – summer 2014

Just after we finished our trip to Iraqi Kurdistan I planned to start an internship at the Society for Threatened Peoples International in my hometown Göttingen. Since I am interested in the daily news and developements in the Middle Eastern region I decided to work for the deptartment of Middle Eastern affairs. Within the three months I wrote some articles, translated several press reports and participated at demonstrations and actions in Berlin. At some events I also had my camera with me. I was very interested in the situation of the minorities living in the Middle East such as Christians, Jezides, Kurds, Armenians, Chaldäer and Mandäer, mostly in Iraq and Syria, weapond deliveries in the MENA region, the elections in Iraqi Kurdistan and the relationships between Erbil and Bagdad. I also published an article about women’s rights in Afghanistan although the Hindukush has not been the focus of my department. I met a lot of open-minded human rights activists and friends. Take a look at the website of the NGO and may interact with them on their facebook page and support their necessary work for human rights all around the globe.

project | my first workshop in stade | autumn 2014

It’s been a premier event for me to organise a workshop for hobby photographers in my hometown Stade. There has not been a lot of feedback after I started to promote the workshop but nontheless two lovely girls responded. I was very excited to show my teaching qualities. I did not really have a concept for this day in the first place so I could react on the personal and individual needs of the participants. They sent me their recommendations and I made a small plan but also lots of time to make spontaneous tasks. On the day of the workshop we started with the basics of handling the camera itself. It was very important for me to give the girls the right feeling to handle the camera in different light settings and enviroments. Therefore we walked through the streets of Stade and stopped at several places to improve our skills. We also improved lots of perspectives and which outcomes these perspectives have on the portrait. On of the highlights for the girls was my prime lense and to take pictures with an 1.8f diaphragm. I was awesome to change the lenses from our equipment because everyone used the Nikon body. It’s been a very nice atmosphere the whole time and we had a lot of fun. In the end I made a certificate for the girls as a present and memory for that nice day! :) Thank you so much for this experience!

projekt | #99fotografen | winter 2014

2014 has also been my first contact with the social media platform Twitter. I already have my account until 2012, but never had an idea how to „use“ it to interact with people from the same branch. Therefore my lovely friend Amina introduced me to the project of #99fotografen (photographers). It’s a rotating project for hobby photographers and freelancers in order to show their daily life and experiences for one week on the account of #99fotografen. It’s been a new experience for me to daily „feed“ my followers with impressions.


business | ICHFABRIK | spring 2013

In cooperation with the team of ICHFABRIK there are photographs for the website of the hairdresser located in Göttingen, Germany. The photos almost have a studio character, although the models were set with very simple means in the limelight. Thanks to my dear Assistant Van Tuong and hairstylelists of the team, we had a successful shooting day! Thanks for the new experiences and the beautiful moments! :)


study excursion | Egypt | autumn 2012 | Cairo – Alexandria – Mersa Matruh – Siwa – Sinai

Our trip to Egypt was a part of our studies at the Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies, where I started my Bachelor in 2011.

The excursion took us to the cultural cities of the country, but also deep into the desert. The international diversity of the country was constantly changing. While in Cairo there is the sedentary middle class – in Siwa – an oasis in the Libyan desert, there is a mixture of Arab and Bedouins farmers. There the people are very peaceful and serene –  nothing like the hustle and bustle we experienced in the capital.

Among other things we have visited the famous Egyptian Museum in the heart of Cairo, explored the Pryamids of Giza, breathed sea breeze in Alexandria, made wild rides in jeeps through the Libyan desert, ascended the mountain in the Sinai at night to see the sunrise and probably visited alomist every mosque in the country. The extension of my Arabic vocabulary to „I would like a mint tea please“ and „Uh-huh, that tastes delicious“ was also outstanding an advantage for my current small-talk skills.

Many new experiences, great photography shots and impressions that I will never forget. Of course, you will experience not only „good stuff“ on such a trip, but I’m glad to have seen a lot of farce tablets of this country.

Here you will find a couple of blog posts and photographs to the individual stations of our trip!


training course | Portraying my Europe  | summer 2012 | Kavadarci, Macedonia

One of the highlights this year has been the Trainig Course  „Portraying my Europe“ in the wine region of Kavadarci in Macedonia. In company with other 32 young professionals and journalists we attended a one week journey to the social problems of the region. The main focus of the training course has been the youth employment in Kavadarci. Therefore we went on the streets and published an artcile on Mlad!info about the team kreACTIVE and local opinions im Weingebiet Kavardarci in Mazedonien. Part of my team were Lolita Bērziņa from Latvia, Robert Nagy from Slovakia & Elgun Bey Yusifbeyli from Azerbaijan.

Read our article here.


business | obstART | summer 2011

This photo series shows different types of fruit that are typical for the plantages at my home in the „Altes Land“, near Hamburg. It’s one of the biggest areas of fruit plantages in Europe and we are famous for our fruit exports and products.

The obstArt Hotel in Hollern-Twielenfleth instructed me in the beginning of 2011 to take over an important part in designing their rooms – for each room decorated in the colors of a certain fruit I should create a series of photographs.

My girlfriends had to serve as fruitmodels at that time. It’s a mixture of food and portrait photography.

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